December 30, 2022
Start Living Your Dream Life
Discover how to start living your dream life by taking multiple roads to success. You'll learn about freedom, success, self-employment, and turning your hobbies into content.

Discover how to start living your dream life by taking multiple roads to success. You'll learn about freedom, success, self-employment, and turning your hobbies into content.
One thing that the pandemic did was force a lot of people all around the world to pivot and make do with what they had available to them. This ignited a movement of people who turned their life around by combining their basic instincts of survival with their natural talents and skills. It’s no wonder that we are seeing such a huge surge of small, online businesses and content creators. People are finally discovering how easy it is to start living their dreams. As wonderful as it sounds, there are a few things to keep in mind if you are ready to start living the life you’ve always wanted.
Success doesn’t look the same for everyone. For some, it may look like going to school for nine years and becoming an academic. For others, it may look like opening a restaurant in the middle of the Tibetan mountains. In 2022, people are exposed to more versions of “success” than ever before.
There are a multitude of ways to be successful that don’t require a university degree or 15 years of corporate experience. These days, you can start making money just from sharing your own interests and skills. You can find the financial freedom to travel the world while working 20 hours a week and still save for a forever home someday down the road. In order to figure out how to use all of the tools at your disposal to make your dream life a reality, you must first define what success looks like to you.
Defining what freedom means to you is another major part of figuring out what it will take for you to start living your dream life. For everyone, freedom is different. For some, it may mean having enough money to buy a Tesla and a mansion. For others, it may mean having the freedom to travel and work remotely or to work no more than 15 hours a week. Defining what your idea of freedom will help you figure out what kinds of actions you need to take to get there. With all the different ways to make money online and through social media, you want to choose the one that resonates most with your dream life.
One of the worst things that we can do to effectively hold us back from starting to live our dreams is to compare ourselves to others. We love to do this. In fact, social media has been given a bad rap for perpetuating cycles of comparison. However, it’s all about how we look it at. If we simply log on and mindlessly scroll for hours, obsessing over how much we lack in respect to all the influencers we see, we can drive ourselves to misery.
Approaching each situation with the mindfulness and awareness that every single person was born with a unique background, set of parents, financial situation, and education, we know better than to compare. We can instead appreciate how this person’s unique life path has led them to a place where they can successfully create this life for themselves.
We then realize the unique potential that we ourselves have. This brings us to a key realization: there is not a single person in this world who is like you. Not one! You are absolutely unique, and despite how “saturated” the content creation market may seem, there is still no one like you who can offer the things you can.
Once we accept that we are the only version of ourselves that exists, we can free ourselves from any expectations and truly embrace all the unique skills and gifts that we bear. Even though there might be a million different food bloggers out there in the world, there might only be one who offers traditional Irish recipes with a comedic twist. Guess what? That could be you.
Niching down is great, but even if there are twenty other people doing something similar to you, remember that you are the only version of yourself that exists. And when we learn to let go of our fears, we can truly embody our fullest expressions.
Although this may seem difficult in a world where we are constantly told to follow the norm to be accepted, this is one of the biggest ways that we can set ourselves free. The best part is that once we start being our authentic selves, we will attract more people who are like us and will help us start living our dream life.
We have all experienced the horrible feeling of working tirelessly just to pay bills and make ends meet at the cost of our mood, well-being, and relationships. Unfortunately, this is part of the programming that has been instilled in us since childhood—that work is meant to be difficult and joyless, and the weekends are designated for joy and fun.
The vast majority of workers are just pushing through the days, counting down until Friday night. If we start prioritizing activities that bring us happiness and fulfillment, we can start paving the way toward a life that is filled with joy. Eventually, we might find a little nugget of inspiration that will lead us to the life we always dreamed of.
If what brings you joy is the beach, then start thinking of ways that you can work from the beach. If making handicrafts brings you joy, think about how you can spend more time doing that full-time. It may seem like a huge leap to go from a 9-5 to a life of content creation and doing what you love online, but with small joy-inspired steps each day, you can start paving the life of your dreams.
“Prioritizing joy” should not be confused with “prioritizing comfort”. Making positive changes to radically transform your life into one of your dreams is not a comfortable process. It will be uncomfortable at times, but that is what makes it worth it. For many people, simply sharing a part of themselves with others is a very vulnerable and uncomfortable task. However, if it is for the goal of living out your life’s dreams, the discomfort will pay off. Remember the “why” and try to have fun with the process.
Before you go off paving your dream life, remember that boundaries are your friend. It can be easy to blur the lines between work and social life, especially when you work from home, on social media, both of which cross over with our private lives. Make sure to set aside time away from devices and social media where you can reconnect with your loved ones and unplug from the world. As abundant as it may be, it is easy to get caught up in online reality. Take care of yourself and not only will your mental health thrive, but you will likely receive more insight and inspiration from your contemplative moments.
Living your dream life has never been easier. The internet, especially social media, has opened up endless opportunities for people to live the life they have always wanted. With an open mind, creativity, and a willingness to be authentic, you can make money online from almost anywhere in the world. But you must want it. And you’ll have to prioritize defining what matters most to you and your happiness. Once you’re there, just stay focused and start building the path toward the “you” you’ve always wanted to be.